Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Learning as Consumption

An analytical look at one of the exchange processes that forms a huge part of our lives at this stage of our existence. A consumer behavior perspective on the Teaching-Learning process. This post intends to introduce the major actors, the supplier and the consumer, and some of their characteristics and classifications.

Service Provided : Teaching, all levels including schools and colleges
Supplier : The Instructor
Consumer : The Student

Consumer Needs

The primary needs of the consumer have been identified as follows. It is pertinent to note than some needs might be latent and she might be unaware of the same.

Content : Relevance and Usability of Content
Comprehensibility : If the concepts taught are understandable easily
Internalization : Internalization of the concepts as against superficial and temporary learning
Fun Element : Hedonic fulfillment in learning, and "chill" factor of the course
Enthusing : Sustainance and furthering of interest in the subject

Consumer Classification

Consumers have been classified on the basis of two parameters, their perceived ability and the amount of effort they expend. The size of the bubbles represent their achievement levels, larger bubbles signifying higher achievement

The Slogger : Low ability but High effort levels, moderately low achievement
The Loafer : Doesn't really care and achieves low on account of low ability and effort.
The tenacious : The quintessential persistent worker who makes up for average ability by her hardwork and achieves moderately
The Underachiever : The typical "chill" person who manages to achieve moderately due to her innate abilities,but has potential for mych more, if only she believed in hard-work.
The Genius : The typical "genius" who manages to achieve high with little effort due to her intrinsic abilities
The Brilliant : The perfect combination of ability and effort, hard to catch.

Supplier Classification

The suppliers have been classified on the basis of their knowledge of the subject, and teaching skill.

The Insipid Reader : The Typical Read-out-from-the-slides while-the-class-sleeps instructor
The Caricature : The one with interesting idiosyncrasies, Knowledge and Skill level variable
The Thought Provoker : The High knowledge individual who believes in an involved pedagogy which makes the consumers apply themselves
The Customiser : The one who understands the customer and delivers customized service according to the segment, often resulting in huge popularity
The Intellectual: The master in her field but lacking skills to connect to the target audience
The Sincere Slogger : Moderate and advancing knowledge levels and moderate teaching skill, but sincere to the core
Ideal : The perfect combination of mastery in her field and an innate ability to connect to the customer

Types of Consumption

The consumption characteristics have been classified into the following categories, which are not mutually exclusive.

Utilitarian : The Student who intrinsically believes the learning shall be useful and applicable in her life, result in returns and is indulging in a simple exchange
Hedonic : The ones that primarily enjoy the learning process, enjoyment could arise from challenges, or the fun element introduced by the instructor
Symbolic: Consumption for the sake of getting a tag,probably in the belief that it would be useful(Monetary/Marital?)
Consumed Consumers : Extreme Combination of Utilitarian and Symbolic Consumption, people for whom work becomes the centre of their life, at the cost of neglecting other facets
Forced Consumers : The service being forced upon these consumers without their explicit consent or interest

We have all seen examples of each of the above consumers and suppliers and consumption characteristics. Let the analysis flow.


Arslan said...

It takes a brilliant utilitarian to come up with this.

The loafing, underachieving, forced consumer is only bewildered.

Sure, you've given names to everything, but where's the 'conclusion/recommendation'?

eternalmonotony said...

Well..when do MBA's ever give conclusions! They just rephrase known facts in attractive ways and say nothing useful na.
This's part of CB blog assignment.. so more in part-2.

Arslan said...

Oh, so that is why there a spate of blogs on such a topic. I've been wondering what's wrong with people.

And about MBAs, at least it shouldn't be that obvious to the reader that nothing useful was said.